Evernote tutorial 2015
Evernote tutorial 2015

evernote tutorial 2015

Bookmarks – To things on the web that you want to be able find again.Quotes – Motivational quotes for future inspiration.But, of course use Evernote’s encrypt feature. Business Documents – Business files, agreements, receipts, and more.Solutions to Problems – Save answers to problems so that you don’t have to solve them again.Capture your favorite recipes and never search for them again. Recipes – One of my oldest notes in Evernote (from 2008!) is my wife’s best margarita recipe.Here Are 57 Notes and Things to Capture in Evernote: So, I am sharing a list of some of the things I found when I reviewed my 8-year library of notes. I get asked often “what” information that I capture in Evernote. Of course, the trick is that you have to capture those bits and pieces of information when they arise, so that you will have them again when you need them.

evernote tutorial 2015 evernote tutorial 2015

57 Things You Can Store in EvernoteĮvernote is a great application into which you can dump your brain, so that you don’t have to keep track of everything. So today, I am sharing 57 things that you can capture in Evernote. However, one of the most often asked questions I get about it is, “What am I supposed to put in it?” Many have tried it out online or on their mobile devices. Most people have heard of the note-taking application Evernote.

Evernote tutorial 2015